Performance Forecasting and Analysis 2.0
Performance Forecasting and Analysis 2.0
Connected Planning
Atkan provides you with connected planning that fits your needs whether they are related to Finance, Sales, Human Resources, Marketing, Supply Chain or IT.
Performance Forecasting and Analysis 2.0
Performance Forecasting and Analysis 2.0
Connected Planning
Atkan provides you with connected planning that fits your needs whether they are related to Finance, Sales, Human Resources, Marketing, Supply Chain or IT.

User Experience
We ensure you a focus on business issues without any technical restrictions. Choosing Atkan is choosing a collaborative project with a modular approach, a short delivery cycle which guarantees complete autonomy for the business.
User Experience
We ensure you a focus on business issues without any technical restrictions. Choosing Atkan is choosing a collaborative project with a modular approach, a short delivery cycle which guarantees complete autonomy for the business.

Anaplan Technology
Anaplan’s technology allows real-time and user-friendly work thanks to its ergonomic modeling interface.
Providing a central data repository combined with multi-dimensional planning and customised business rules, Anaplan technology will perfectly meet your company’s needs.
Ultimately, Anaplan’s technology is based on a collaborative approach that enables you to build a solid and sustainable project.
Anaplan Technology
Anaplan’s technology allows real-time and user-friendly work thanks to its ergonomic modeling interface.
Providing a central data repository combined with multi-dimensional planning and customised business rules, Anaplan technology will perfectly meet your company’s needs.
Ultimately, Anaplan’s technology is based on a collaborative approach that enables you to build a solid and sustainable project.